Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Blooming Garden!

I have not written much over the last few weeks as we've been busy in the garden (surprise surprise) every weekend and most evenings after work as well. There is just so much to do! Taking care of a garden is a never-ending task which includes watering, weeding, pruning and mowing the lawn, to name a few. You also have to look out for plant diseases and insects that might damage the new shoots. There is an endless amount to learn so I am on gardening websites and forums most evenings! Sad, right?

With a combination of sunshine and rain over the last month or so, the flowers have really started blooming.

Our rhododendren (a housewarming present from a close friend):

Petunias in pots (on the left) by the shed:

Various bedding plants and violas on one side of the patio (how cute is that bird table?!):

Planters and the wheelbarrow on the other side of the patio:

A white viola in the planter, and you can see the trailing geraniums in the pot just about to open:

One evening last week, the sun looked incredible setting on the trees:

The garden doesn't just take effort but also costs a lot of money. A trip to the nursery often runs into three figures, even though beforehand, I tell P we are going to buy bedding plants worth no more than £20.

My new little alba perennial costs £3.99. The designer watering can costs £32.99.
But to be fair, it IS manufactured by the oldest watering can company in the UK ha ha.

A close up of the alba. I love how delicate it looks:

Sometimes, I think I'm more about the accessories for the garden than the plants themselves. For example, even before the season started, I was already fully kitted up with handmade trug, traditional fork and trowel, rose print garden kneeler, gloves with a cute bird pattern, etc. :-)

I've also made a few new friends on a gardening forum, mostly ladies who are about 20 years older than me! They are sooooooooooo sweet and very willingly share their knowledge, of which they have loads. One of them knows that I will be needing more plants next year when we dig up two more beds and has already started rooting some cuttings for me. They ask for nothing back. They consider me a 'young' gardener and are happy that I take such an interest.

To be honest, you can read as much as you want on the internet, but there is nothing like advice from an experienced gardener. I feel really fortunate to have come across these lovely ladies (and gents too).

We have a long weekend next week (yeay!) and are having friends over to stay as well as a BBQ for 10 people on Saturday. Fingers crossed for beautiful, sunny and warm weather! Keep well everyone and I'll be in touch again soon with more photos and updates on the garden.

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