Saturday, May 17, 2008

Treasures: Animal and Mineral

Last night, my close family friend of 18 years, Lizard Lover (LL) flew into town with her partner on route to the south of Brringland for a holiday. LL is the sister of Lane, my amazing friend who passed away from cancer over two years ago. The last time I saw LL was at Lane's bedside in New Zealand a couple of months before the end.

Although I was closer to Lane, I love LL just as much and it was really great to spend a bit of time with her! She brought me 'bak kway' (bbq pork) from our small island and P and I finished a pack in under an hour oink oink, no pun intended.

It was really great to talk to someone who knew and loved Lane as much as I did. We reminisced about how crazy and beautiful Lane was and it did bring a tear to my eye. I must admit I still can't talk about Lane without choking up. I miss her every single day and although time does make it easier, it never makes it go away.

But as they say, life is for the living and that is what we all must do. LL is on her way down the south coast to relax and unwind in some quaint B&Bs and I am enjoying myself with my wonderful hubby.

As my reward for moving here and starting a new job, I have bought a Ceylon sapphire ring. I have always associated that gem with this county, the whole Breeetish India thing and all. It is a 6.5 carat stone showcased in a handmade setting. I love the beautiful rich blues running through it, depending on what light you see it in. There are a couple of small inclusions visible to the naked eye, but I don't mind as I think it is part of the sapphire's charm.

A close up of the ring

A distance shot for some perspective on size

No, it hasn't replaced my engagement bling but I must admit I do like it a lot. When we started looking for the ring, P said of a lighter cornflower blue stone which was also very beautiful, "It's tasteful." I said, "I don't want tasteful, I want BIG!" ha ha. His comment was the death knell of that piece! Mid-blue colour sapphires are the most valuable but I would rather go for a darker stone with a bigger carat weight that is within my budget. Hey, I never said I wasn't superficial!

Anyway, LL is coming back to spend another night with us next weekend so it should be another fun evening of drinking (we had Cava, wine and Pimms) and chatting.

Much love everyone and have a great weekend!

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