Saturday, March 5, 2011

Spring Time Signs!

In the last couple of weeks, I've noticed that the bulbs I planted in the fall have started to come up. It is still very cold but I'm sure nature knows what she is doing!

Here is a pic of our planter box with white heather in the front and the first shoots toward the back:

To be very honest, we were given two types of bulbs last year and I can't remember what they are now! Ha. But never mind, once they bloom, I'll get one of our neighbours to help me identify them.

In readiness for good weather, we also got this cute little wheelbarrow. Once I have it varnished, I will leave it in our back yard for the summer filled with a trio of small potted flowering plants. I am extending the shabby chic theme out into the garden as well:

While we were at the wheelbarrow shop, I saw this vintage clothes rack which I thought would be great for the guest room (click on the photo to enlarge it):

On it, I have hung a quilt from Texas that has exquisite hand stitching. You can get patchwork quilts here too but the designs are not as intricate and fine as those from the Southern states.

We are heading to the antique market again this Tuesday and with summer just around the corner, I am hoping to pick up some wooden deck chairs for garden barbeques. If any of you want to visit us during the warmer months, please do as we love having guests!

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