Friday, December 3, 2010

Brand New Boss

After two-and-a-half years in my current job, I decided to explore other opportunities within the bank I work for. My decision to look was based on the fact that my boss will soon be moving back to the land of the free. I didn't want to leave my future in the hands of whoever would step into her role.

So a couple of months ago, I successfully applied for and got a job with a Director on the finance team. He is tasked with transforming the company strategically so I suspect there will be exciting times ahead! The fantastic thing about him is that he worked on our Small Island for some years in the 90's, so is familiar with our culture. From what I can tell so far, he has a very good sense of humour and seems to be a positive person. He is in high profile role so I will have lots to learn and have a new bunch of colleagues to get to know.

Today was my last day with my current team and it was indeed bittersweet. While I am looking forward to working with my new boss, I am also very fond of my old boss, in spite of all her little quirky ways. She hasn't always been a easy task master, but we have shared a lot of laughs together and a colleague once said we spoke to each other like sisters. I also now get along really well with the other members of my current team and I will miss them a lot.

I will update you on how it is all going once I've settled into my new job. In the mean while, roll on Christmas vacation!

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