Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bow wow wow

We picked Georgia Rose up on Wednesday and we've just been living and breathing dogs, dogs, dogs since then!

Georgia is much smaller than Chynna was as a puppy. At almost 12 weeks old, she is just a teeny tiny 2.2kg. Chynna at 10 weeks was already 2.35kg. Georgia is a very unusual colour with a red tint to her head but from the neck down, she is a silvery grey and black with a dapple pattern all over. Her socks, snout and eyebrows are a browny tan.

Georgia can't quite make it through the night without needing several toilet breaks so P and I are really exhausted! However, the good thing is that she will whine and scratch the cage door, so we know she needs to go out. She does her business in the garden quickly, then we go back to bed for another couple of hours before she has to go again.

Speaking to the vet, this is very normal. We didn't have to do this with Chynna, who could hold it the whole night from the first days she came to us. But then Chynna is one in a million and we are very lucky with her.

Georgia really loves Chynna...though I can't say the same for Chynna at the minute! Although she does enjoy a run around in the garden with her, she just doesn't have the same energy level as a puppy. When Chynna tries to sleep, she will nibble on her tail so I am constantly disciplining Georgia. It is a work in progress!

Here are some pics of them in their bed:

The Little Copy Kat!

Chynna: I remember when my bed was my own!

Three dawgs in a bed

Today, we took both of them to the residential home that we visit every Sunday. Georgia was a huge hit! Everyone thought she was so cute. She was petted and cooed over. We are slowly trying to socialise her with children and other people. When she is allowed out and about next week after her vaccinations kick in, I will also let her play with smaller friendly dogs.

We went to the pub for lunch and these table of older folks were really interested in her. I brought Georgia over in her little carry bag when she was sleeping and they took photos of her on their mobiles. When I turned around, most of the people from the adjoining bar, around 10 of them, were gathered behind me goo goo gaa gaa-ing over her! It was definitely a rock star moment. :-)

Now both Chynna and Georgia are fast asleep in their bed and I can feel my eyelids dropping too. Time for me to join my girls for a nap zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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