Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's Enough!

To drive a girl crazy.

Living here I mean.

In my previous entry, I mentioned that I do not like nor respect many of the women that I work with as they are neurotic and sensitive drama queens. Well, several events that have happened this week has illustrated my point brilliantly.

1. One of the more senior members of staff, let's call her Krakpot, is a real piece of work. Mean-spirited and brash, she clashes head on with everyone, be it her own team, her peers or her superiors. No one likes her and I myself have experienced her sharp tongue, which I choose to ignore. At the end of the day, my attitude is that work is work. I may not like you, but I will still do my best at the job because of my own personal pride, professionalism and ability.

I didn't see Krakpot for a few days this week so asked one of my colleagues where she was. I was not surprised when I found out that she suffered a breakdown and is on medical leave for a minimum of two weeks. The demands of the job were just too much for her. This manifested itself in her abrasive exterior to those around her and she finally cracked (no pun intended) under the pressure.

I have been extremely solicitious with regards to discussing this topic at work and at home too. OF COURSE I have not made any 'cuckoo' jokes or anything of that nature muah ha ha. But seriously, if someone can't handle the job, then they should find something else to do. Otherwise you just make yourself, but more importantly other people i.e. me, miserable!

2. One afternoon this week, I saw one of the other PAs crying at her desk. A couple of other colleagues were comforting her. I didn't ask what happened and honestly don't care but I mean, hello? Open plan office! Go cry in the bathroom or in the stairwell but please, put your ugly, blotchy face away. No one wants to see it. Work is hard enough as it is already. Silly cow.

3. Because of the constant dramatics of my peers, I deleted the lot of them off my social networking account about six weeks ago and have consciously kept a distance from them. A few days ago, my boss mentioned in passing that one of them recently said that I am bossy. I was shocked. I am the least bossy person I know! I'm a pussycat, just ask P. :-)

In case you didn't pick it up, that was a joke. Everyone tells me I'm bossy! To the point that one day when I was nagging at two of my male managers, one of them said, "Hey, we are not your husbands you know!" Ha ha ha.

So yes, living in Brrringland is enough to drive a girl round the bend, proven by the amount of nut jobs that many of the 'natives' seem to be.

Another one of my pet peeves is the scruffiness of the women here. So often on the train and tube, I will see girls with super scuffed boots (know what shoe polish is girls?), old beat up handbags (stop stuffing your gobs with crisps and with the money you save, get a new one) and dirty coats (dry cleaners or a washing machine? Use them). I know many people have the impression that Blundon is 'bright lights, big city'. It may be so, but it's inhabited by women who are 'big ars*s, small minds'.

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