Friday, May 30, 2008

Blingaling aling!

Look at these puppies:

No, I haven't won the lottery nor has P gotten a 1,000% payrise! My new babies are Russian diamond simulants, which my niece introduced me too. I never thought I would wear them, but they are very realistic (or they would be if I haven't bought such HUGE stones ha ha) and oh so sparkly!

I adore bling, but don't want to pay ridiculous prices for the real deal. The two rings and a pair of earrings (with another pair thrown in free) were only about £50. I still love my diamonds, but these are fun pieces that I'll wear when I'm out in the evening or travelling.

My goal is to purchase a second property within the next two years and I want to save as much as I can. Yet, I need to feed my weakness for the shiny stuff. RDS are the perfect solution. You heard it here first: Fake is the New Real!

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